Thursday, October 25, 2007


Sometimes I view this blog as a way to let go of what burdens me. The heavy rocks we carry around that weigh us down, and unless we figure out how to let them go, they will eventually break us. So I put my rocks here. OK, not always. I admit sometimes this blog is all fun and games.

But sometimes it is little pieces of my heart I put here.

I label my post.... spill my guts.... and then heftily toss it out into cyber space. Let go. Let God.

And I admit I do occasionally feel lighter having done this.

Of course there are the rocks I have yet to learn how to let go of. Sometimes I am just not ready to let go or afraid.... Those are tucked safely in my pocket. I reach in and hold it, feeling it, rubbing it, trying to define it and make sense of it. Sometimes I take it out wanting to let it go, but just not quite able to.... yet. But every rock has its day.

Mostly, when I look back at what I've written, I feel like I've left a trail of stones on my journey through the woods, that tell who I am, where I've been, who I've become, what I have learned.

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