Thursday, May 10, 2007


We all do this differently. Some people avoid, some people bury themselves in other things like work, projects, etc., some people drink or do drugs, some people sleep, some talk or write. I think I do a little of all of this, but mostly, I talk.
I have so many things rattling around in this brain of mine, that if I don't talk I think I will explode. Writing alleviates some of that, but honestly, I cannot write as fast as I think. I can't even talk as fast as my mind races from one thing to the next, let alone write it all down. And it seems these thoughts, and even sometimes epiphanies, come at times that writing is not an option. Like while I am walking, while I am in the shower, or just before I fall asleep.
So I fall more into talking my way through something with someone else. Mostly this works for me, however, I don't always know where I am at and what I am feeling. I am bound to say all kinds of things before I completely (if that is even possible) figure out what is going on inside my head.
I trust the people around me to let me talk my way through this until I land, but sometimes my words get me into trouble. They create sticky spots in my relationships with others. I'm not sure I can do this different, but right now I wish I had.

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