Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Trix are for Kids

I'm not good at Birthdays. It seems every year, I get the shit end of the stick when it comes to celebrating my birthday. "Always the bridesmaid, never the bride"..... Always the planner, never the party girl. Ah well, there are worse things right? Well.... no, not really. It is shitty for your birthday to roll around and have everyone be flummoxed as to how to treat someone to a special day.

Year after year, this happens to me. It's to the point that the only thing that amazes me is my disappointment. You'd think by now I would learn I am not 10 years old anymore. Everyone is not going to come together to eat, drink, be merry and celebrate. Well, that is, unless I plan it.

I don't mean for people to feel pressure. I don't think I'm high maintenances or hard to please. Everyone looks to me "What are you doing for your birthday?" But often times if I'm not planning my own event, people just plain give up. And I should just learn...

"Silly girl Trix are for kids"

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