Wednesday, March 14, 2007

I had to be there to get here

I know I've said this before that moving forward, moving on is only easy if you have perspective on what's in the rear view. What I've learned about myself is that I that I am always learning new things (and old things again!) about myself. So some of what I have learned...

1. I sometimes need to talk through something until I can figure out how I feel.
2. Sometimes I know it doesn't feel right, but I can't quite figure out what or how to make it right, so wrong or not I'm going to do it anyway.
3. If I don't take care of me, I'm not especially good at taking care of anything/anyone else.
4. My tendency is to give others what they want before figuring out if it is what I want.
5. I don't trust other people and don't often allow them completely in, and this can be lonely
6. I desperately want approval, and I need to give my self permission to value my own opinion
7. When it is quiet and I sit with it, I can find the peace. The trick is learning when it is noisy how to sit and steady myself, and find the peace again.
8. I can fail and it doesn't make me a failure, it just means I'm still learning.

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