Thursday, February 22, 2007

Happy Distractions

I did this once (OK I've done this a few time, but on a GRAND scale, I did this once). In an attempt to deal with some very confusing feelings, unhappiness in my marriage, and a general feeling of discontent and "What am I doing with my life?"... I fell in love. It was easier to be all mooney eyed, relating to love songs and busy my mind with replaying conversations and interactions. It was easier to fantasize about what was lacking (intimacy in my relationship) than it was to deal with why I was missing this. If it had just been about sex, well that would have been easy, but it was about so much more than that.

In the end (well not really the end) we it never further than a crush and I got a divorce. And on both accounts, I learned a tremendous amount about myself. I was looking for something I was lacking. And what I found was a happy distraction. This happy distraction ended up being so much more than an affair. It was a trip of self discovery, through which I learned a happy distraction may get you through a difficult time, but not dealing with the real issue will haunt you.

Hence why I find myself back here again, with an inkling of déjà vu. It's not exactly the same, but close enough that I feel that familiar lust for a happy distraction.

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