Tuesday, March 13, 2007

The cast and crew

There are so many people in our lives that add to and enrich us in so many ways and I though it would be cute to come up with nicknames for the ones in my life. Partly to protect their privacy as I post stories, etc. and partly because, well, it's fun.

So lets start with the kids:

My Son We'll call him the "Dread Pirate Joe" At almost 7 now, my baby boy isn't really a baby anymore. Especially evident when he beats me down the ski slope! He is athletic and smart, and I mean wicked smart. And he's still oh so cute, in a little boy way that makes my heart melt. Especially when he says "You're the best Mom I ever had"

My Daughter, we'll call her DQ. And not after Dairy Queen, although she LOVES Dairy Queen too... but no, this is actually in reference to the "other" queen that more closely represents her: "Drama Queen". Being a Scorpio and my daughter, well lets just say sometimes it isn't pretty! She is all girl, she loves horses and dogs, pink and purple, and she is starting to like boys (well sort of). She thinks being 11 is hard. I say, just wait! She is beautiful, she is smart, she is funny and I am so proud to say she is mine.

Other folks:

The Teacher. She's more like family than a friend, but a best friend at that. The title so fits. She is always teaching me something and always encouraging me to grow and learn. When the two of us are together we rarely stop talking. And when we aren't taking about our lives, we are taking about the "dumb" people in this world that constantly frustrate us. She "gets me" in ways I sometime don't even get myself. She is the sister of my soul.

The Egyptian. A best friend that has been there with me through so much. I struggle here to even describe our relationship. We've shared a lot. I trust her, with everything. And that is so invaluable to me. She has 4 kids that keep her so busy, she works full time, attends college classes and watching her has helped me to relax and not sweat the small stuff. She is a goddess in my book and she is beautiful, lest you think she got this name from some corny dance move or something.

Daddy. The Egyptian's husband. One time, The Egyptian and I, in our attempt to understand this "male" way of being with oneself, asked him, "What do you think about when you are out in the garage all by yourself" And his reply: " Thinking about mowing the lawn and then what I need to do next." So much for that idea. He can build a house from the ground up and he can fix a computer and... well, lets just stop there before we stroke that ego much more.

ps. there is more to come on this...

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