Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Last FM

So, while cruzing through a particularly funny and informative (in a pop culture kind of way) blog I happen to LOVE these days (Legwarmers) I came a cross a link to this site called LastFM that you can create your own music playlist and hear old favs and new suggestions based on the artists you say you like. Log on, enter artist(s) that you like and it will play songs related to your pick(s) and you can tag them/love them and LastFM will continue to "suggest" music you might like. It gives you information about artists and albums so if you REALLY love it you can buy it. I am currently listening and lovein' my way through the day!

And best of all (unlike some other music sites like this that look pretty cool), I can listen to this one on my side of the firewall. Yeah!

You can try it without creating an account, but I think if you want to get full versions of the songs to play, you need to create an account. Pretty painless, but one more password to remember. UGGGG!

UPDATE: My new FAVORITE music website! Pandora is a bit easier to navigate than lastFM and I like that you can add people who are also users on Pandora by entering their e-mail address. You can see what music your friends like! You can bookmark artists and songs in your profile and even shuffle different stations. However, you can't rewind a song or play a certain song on demand. But so far I'm liking it!

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