Friday, February 23, 2007

Five weird habits/facts about you

OK, so I came across this game to play. (But like the person who sent it to me, I wonder: Is it really a game? You can't win and there are no opponents.) But here goes:

The first person starts with the topic “five weird habits/facts about you” and people who get tagged need to write an entry about their five weird habits/facts. So I had to think REALLY hard to get my five. I may add more as I can come up with them, but for now:

1. I won't get a massage. I don't like someone (basically a stranger) to touch me like that. No matter how good everyone says it feels, I just can't make myself do it.

2. If you ask, I am usually compelled to answer. Please don't ask me what color my underwear are!

3. I was legally blind for a short period of my life.

4. I rub my feet together like a cricket when I am falling asleep.

5. I LOVE sappy love songs (especially Country ones!) that guys sing about women they love.

Oh and...

- I love the smell of asphalt when it hasn't rained in awhile.
-When I hear the sound of a garden hedge trimmer opening and closing (even on TV) I shutter picturing my little appendages (ex. fingers) getting cut off by said trimmer.
- I love to have my name whispered in my ear, makes me weak in the knees and well, I won't give too much detail here.

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