Tuesday, November 6, 2007

Shin Splints

I caught a few minutes of this program the Alaskan was watching last night where this guy said (about running this marathon) "I'm not gonna like/enjoy it, but I am gonna like how it feels to push myself and have myself stay committed and keep going." That sums up for me what this feels like. I don't really like this work in the moment, but I like to know that my determination wins the battle of quiting/stopping vs. doing something even when it's hard or hurts.

Speaking of hurt, a week or so ago I mistakenly believed I was ready to "up my running game". yeah can you say cocky? I was feeling really good about my progress thus far, and so I tried to run a bit longer and harder. In the moment, it was fine and I was glad I pushed and kept going. But oh how I paid later: with shin splints. I have battled this malady before, so I laid off for a few days before I tried again. My left is still bugging me a bit even when I do a routine morning. So I am trying to not push so hard so many days a week. Today I walked my whole route. YUCK! Boring and LONG. Yes, my impatience is even present here. I would so rather run and get it over with than walk, which is so slow and long. So, I was feeling a little down by this. What if I don't progress? What will keep me motivated? Because, the truth is, I don't really LIKE to do this. I love to push myself, and I do think this is what keeps me interested. Doing just a little more today than yesterday.

So I'm going to limit the running to 3-4 days, walking the alternate days, and try to only up the amount of running once a week.

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