Thursday, October 9, 2008

You're Fired

Once upon a time I made friends by default, by lack of any other choice you got the job. And I kept friends like the government keeps workers: continued to pay you until you either quit or retired, but I never fired you. Lots of people quit, some retired. And those that stuck around just kept collecting - whether they did their job well or not.

I don't like it that you are angry with me about this, because it is hard for me to accept that someone might not like me. But today I have come to understand that deep down inside.... you hating me over this is the reason why I can no longer respect you enough to call you my friend.

You didn't live up to the requirements of the job. Sorry but YOU'RE FIRED.

Thursday, October 2, 2008


"Was it an accident I saw that? He wondered...... Or is it just that the world unwraps itself to you, again and again, as soon as you are ready to see it anew?"

Wicked, Gregory Maguire